Sunday 16 January 2011

Urban Alphabet

Urban Alphabet

So for my first project I was assigned the Urban Alphabet.  Basically I had to go around the city (Aberdeen) and find shapes which represented the Alphabet.  Urban meaning the city, the shapes found were meant to form the whole Alphabet.  I think this was an interesting project but trying to find the Alphabet in the city  was hard, especially as I was not allowed to use the letters on Shop fronts.  The letters had to be completely from shapes of objects around the city.  So check out my final Alphabet and tell me how it looks.


  1. looks really cool, most have taken a lot of time and effort, nice one mate :D
    i really like how you laid the alphabet out :)
    From Daniel

  2. Thanks, yeh the pictures took ages to get. Yeh it was done on Photoshop :)
