Sunday 16 January 2011

Introduce Yourself

Introduce Yourself.  This was the next project I assigned.  With this project, I had to create four Postcards which portrayed four aspects of my life.  Each of the postcards was to be created on Photoshop CS4 and were required to be double sided with the back having a a piece of writing describing either your postcards or the specific one.  I went around this project looking at four things which I felt were my life and without I would be in complete.  Therefore my final idea involved the four main parts of my life, RELIGION, FAMILY, FRIENDS and EDUCATION.  I then portrayed these in way in which they looked to me so have a look and feel free to comment.

1st Postcard
2nd Postcard

3rd Postcard

4th Postcard

The front of the Postcards altogether
The back of the Postcards altogether

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