Tuesday 18 January 2011

Trick of the Eye

So i found this image quite a while ago and thought it was amazing, I will let you work it out ...

Ink Paintings

So here are two paintings which I did using the same materials ( ink and card ) but did them in using different methods.  Another live model was posing with a few objects around him.  So have a look.

This one is done using a pointy stick.

This one was done using a wedge of card, with various sized adges.

Monday 17 January 2011

Natures Words

Well this is another task which we were given, which was to find organic objects to create a word which represented our course.  In groups of two we created our words and well obviously ours was the best.

Clive the Crocodile

So one of the first thing we were told to do when we started uni was to make a giant paper animal in groups .... soo i'm a uni student.  Was fun though and well our Crocodile totally kicked ass.

Japanese Stained Glass Tile

This was a side project I did, just to explore in to glass work.  I created a glass tile with the theme of Japan and therefore created a Temple from different coloured glass, so here it is.

The Glass Tile before being melted together

Paper Art

So in one of my art classes in Grays, we had to do a little project where we were given three different types of paper and with them we had re-create the image that was in front us.  We had a live model pose with many differently shaped objects to create an interesting image.  I went around this image by using each colour of paper to a different tone.  I took the objects and kept there shape but just made them look as if they are portraying a different image.  So by the time I finished I created a scene from King Kong, where the big Gorilla was replaced by a Ducks beak, the Empire State building was a Massive cone and the Distressed woman is looking up.  Comment and tell me what you think.

The whole Image

A silhouette of the woman

The cone shaped "Empire State Building"

The irony of the clouds and moon, with artificial lighting above it

Public Seating with Lighting

So here is a design project of mine.  I started of with the theme of modern age.  After doing a lot of research, I found a few things which portray modern. 

The few words I cut down to was:
  • Silver
  • Sleek
  • Stylish
  • Lighting
  • Clean-Cut
  • Clear Shapes
With this in mind I created this seating which is meant to be placed in a high business up town area where it would fit in with the surroundings.  The chairs are clear and the rest of the structure is meant to be chrome therefore looking very 21st century. So have a look a comment.

Public Seating with Lighting